Thursday, June 28, 2012

Lake Bled and the Postojna Caves

Bled is a small town about an hour away from the capital with a church in the center of its lake. I hike up to the castle to get a nice view of the church from above. It is so peaceful as I hear nothing but the birds chirping and the wind blowing through my hair. I see kids going down a waterslide from above, and just laugh at myself and my current injury from a waterslide. And I did not leave Bled without trying their specialty, the kremsnita, the Bled crème cake. It has a layer of flan, topped off with a fluffy cream and a crispy top. Overall it is very light and refreshing, perfect for the super-hot day.  I also had a chance to visit the Postojna Caves, limestone structures below ground. It is very similar to Jeita Grotto in Lebanon, so I am not too impressed or wowed. But if it is your first time going to caves like this, then you might like it. On my last night, I was lucky enough to snag a ticket to watch the Vienna Philharmonic (rated best in the world) open the Ljubljana festival as it is nearly impossible to get a ticket to see them in Vienna.  I must say, I can’t complain…life is good.

One funny encounter was with another backpacker, while watching a EuroCup game we spent an hour discussing ways to travel lightly as possible. Some of his tips included, not carrying a towel, using a travel toothbrush, and finding soap wherever you can. I guess I’ll see how lightly I can travel on my next trip. I will look at the scale, the next time I’m at the airport to see how heavy my bag is.

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