Thursday, April 12, 2012

I think I’ve found the Secret Garden at Chateau Fleury

Chateau Fleury aka Hogwarts aka Chateau Chanel. Why so many names? This chateau evokes the essence of Hogwarts with a bell tower, large fields and overall architecture.  Walking through the main gate, the large open space seems like the perfect place to watch people play quidditch. Secondly, the big C’s on the outer wall of the chateau look like the Chanel logo. Since some of our friends live here, we invited ourselves so that we could explore the grounds of this castle. Similar to the Fontainebleau Chateau, you can’t see much of the grounds from the outside. Here there is a large wall that hides the chateau. Once inside, it is lined with residences, which used to be servant quarters, but now student housing. 

There is a lowered area around the chateau, which I can only imagine used to be the moat. In the back, there are many trees, a large pond, and streams. There is a natural curve in the trees that create a canopy as the branches intertwine; thus making a beautiful path, straight out of the classic novels. I imagine this is where the protagonists of Pride and Prejudice would take walks in the novel. It must be simply stunning in the summertime. There is another path that is between two bushes; I am convinced this is the entrance to the Secret Garden. This place feels so magical; just another day in life of living in rural France.

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