Thursday, April 12, 2012



This is one row of students in an INSEAD classroom. I am amazed by lack of American accents in the room, and most of them are from our Kellogg exchange group of 13. Here is a truly global school in which people are from every corner of the earth.  The classroom discussions just blow me away as I get to hear opinions from all around the world. Just thinking about the inhabitants of the Château and its grounds (19 of us), we hail from at least 13 countries (USA, Ireland, Germany, UK, Austria, Malaysia, India, Kenya, UAE, Egypt, Lebanon, France, Switzerland..)

Secondly, they really rolled out the red carpet for us when we got here. On the first day of class, all the students were so friendly, introducing themselves. They even organized a welcome dinner and drinks that week. Since the students are in such an intense program with folks swapping between Fonty and Singy(Singapore) every 2 months – they make an effort to get to know people. We were luckly that the new class started at the same time we did, another great way to meet more people. I think I’m going to love being here. The campus is sprawled in the forest, and the buildings are all glass, allowing for maximum sunlight. I don’t think I want to leave. The cafeteria..OMG is this an upscale restaurant ? Not to mention the food is very affordable and tastes fanstasic. I shudder at the thought of DJ’s Grill or Einstein’s Bagels. 

I really lucked out with my class schedule. Though the weekly schedule for classes changes every week (very frustrating), I only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays ; thus leaving 5 days to do whatever I want. This is great. I feel like I’m on vacation. 

Not to mention that a typical afternoon break in between hours of classes is to leisurely pop a bottle of bubbly in the bar area.  
In the first 2 weeks, I’ve been to dinner parties at the château, school parties, Paris, Marseille, and Versailles.  I could get used to this lifestyle ; dinner parties – drinking in chateaus – enjoying cultural sites all around France – traveling every weekend. 

I just got here and already dread the thought of going. Why do I have to leave again ?

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